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RPM Fusion launched

The RPM Fusion team is proud to announce the public availability of our repositories that provide add-on software for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux users, which the Fedora Project cannot provide, as easy-to-install RPM packages.

What applications can be found in the RPM Fusion repositories

The RPM Fusion project provides a variety of different applications:

Sound and Video / Multimedia applications

We have all that is needed to play all kinds of media files, such as MP3 audio or unencrypted DVDs and ship additional multimedia applications such as MPlayer, VLC, Xine and MythTV.

Kernel Drivers

We offer the ATI and Nvidia closed-source drivers in a Fedora-compatible RPM package for users whose video cards are not yet fully supported with the stock open source drivers, along with drivers for other peripherals.


Bub's Brothers, Secret Maryo Chronicles, UFO: Alien Invasion, Wörms of Prey, xrick, GLtron and others!


We offer emulators for most retro platforms: VICE for Commodore 64 and other vintage Commodore 8 bit computers; E-UAE for Amiga; Nestopia, FCEUltra for NES; ZSNES and Snes9x for Super NES and many others!

More Information

RPM Fusion provides packages for all Fedora releases that are supported by the Fedora Project, which includes the development branch "rawhide". These packages are provided as software repositories that make it easy for users to select and install packages through the Add/Remove Software icon or using yum from the command line.

We have two separate software repository lines:

Please read our wiki page for information about how to enable these repositories: http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration

RPM Fusion is a project started by the Dribble, Freshrpms and Livna teams. It aims to bring together many packagers from various 3rd party repositories and build a single add-on repository for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. We hope to attract new Fedora packagers and hope that other 3rd party repositories will join us.

Are you interested? Do you want to help? Don't hesitate and subscribe to our mailing lists at http://lists.rpmfusion.org or meet us in the #rpmfusion channel on freenode.

Do you find problems? Please file bugs at https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/

A note for Livna users

All users that installed Livna properly (e.g. by installing the livna-release package) will get RPM Fusion free and nonfree repositories enabled automatically. All packages in Livna that are superseded by packages from RPM Fusion will soon be removed from the Livna repositories.

Final notes

Thanks for you interest in RPM Fusion.